Sign up for the Slatest to get the most insightful analysis, criticism, and advice out there, delivered to your inbox daily. One afternoon, I stumbled upon...
A healthy gut helps you digest your food and absorb its nutrients, strengthens your immune system and reduces your risk of certain chronic diseases. But not...
Hello, readers! My name is Kaitlin Reilly, and I’m here to provide you with a curated list of tips that can help you live your best...
Justin Mauldin built an accessory dwelling unit, or ADU, in his Austin backyard for $41,500. Mauldin said the ADU office allows his family of four to...
This Sunday, March 9, 2 a.m. will suddenly become 3 a.m. as daylight saving time begins, forcing us to “spring forward” and lose an hour of...
One cardiologist likes to compare heart health to financial wellness. “I tell my patients, ‘Just like you have a 401k or IRA fund, you should have...
Children aren’t allowed at Toy Fair — which is just as well, because my 4-year-old would be devastated if she knew I went without her. The...
Are you eating enough fruit? If not, you should consider it: Fruit can do everything from decrease depression to boost muscle mass. If you needed yet...
The COVID-19 pandemic is in the rearview mirror for many people, despite the fact that the virus still kills hundreds every week and could surge again...
Alabama teacher Ashlyn Cooke says she’s found one red flag that tells her a student will be trouble. “Parents, I am begging you to listen to...